
The information provided on the Real Birth Knowledge website and in our childbirth education classes is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Childbirth is a unique and individual experience, and what may be suitable for one person may not be appropriate for another. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance and advice related to your pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum journey.

1. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice

The content, materials, and information presented on our website and in our childbirth education classes are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or a qualified medical professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your pregnancy, labor, delivery, or postpartum care.

2. Educational Purposes Only

Our childbirth education classes are designed to provide general information and educational resources related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. They are not intended as a substitute for comprehensive prenatal care or medical guidance. The techniques, methods, and recommendations presented in our classes should be discussed with your healthcare provider before implementation.

3. Individual Results May Vary

Every pregnancy and childbirth experience is unique, and individual results may vary. Information provided in our classes is based on general principles and guidelines, but the outcome of your labor and delivery may differ from what is discussed or demonstrated. Always consult with your healthcare provider to make informed decisions about your pregnancy and childbirth.

4. No Endorsement or Guarantee

Any mention of specific products, services, healthcare providers, or organizations on our website or during our classes should not be construed as an endorsement or guarantee of their quality or suitability for your specific needs. We do not assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information provided on our website or in our classes.

5. Assumption of Risk

Participation in our childbirth education classes may involve physical activities and discussions about medical procedures and options. You acknowledge and assume the risks associated with such activities and discussions. It is your responsibility to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that any information or techniques discussed in our classes are appropriate for your specific situation.

6. Changes and Updates

The information provided on our website and in our classes may change over time as new research and guidelines become available. We reserve the right to update and modify the content without prior notice.

By using our website and participating in our childbirth education classes, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use our website or attend our classes.

For any questions or concerns related to this disclaimer or the information provided on our website or in our classes, please contact us at info@realbirthknowledge.com.